HOT TOYS 預定2025年發售: 1/6 Action Figure《星球大戰VI:武士復仇》韓索羅(Han Solo) HK$1,830

【Hot Toys推出《星球大戰VI:武士復仇》韓索羅 1:6比例珍藏人偶】

收錄韓索羅在電影中登場的兩個造型 罕有搭配夏理遜福年輕時期頭雕
Hot Toys揀選了被譽為「星戰正傳三部曲」電影系列壯麗的最終章 ─《星球大戰VI:武士復仇》為藍本,發佈韓索羅1:6比例珍藏人偶,重現恩多星球的兩款經典電影造型,為星戰擁躉帶來不可或缺的正傳經典人物,再次引領星戰狂熱!
Hot Toys頭雕師團隊憑著巧手工藝,以1:6比例規格縮小製作由夏理遜福 (Harrison Ford) 飾演的全新韓索羅極像真頭雕,不但傳神地刻劃角色臉部輪廓和髮型,更以精湛的塗裝技術細緻呈現逼真皮膚紋理、皺紋和深邃的雙眼以及極具層次感的瞳孔細節,加上採用可動眼球技術以調節神韻,使韓索羅那充滿機智幽默又帶點痞子氣的表情和眼神更加栩栩如生。
人偶配用全新開發約30cm高、具30個可動關節的專用素體,可輕鬆擺出各種動態,配搭上由設計師以製作真人服裝的技術,如實按照電影戲服重新繪圖造樣的全套標誌性服飾,包括: 米白色V領恤衫、飾有袋口細節的深色背心、深棕色彷皮皮帶、印有黃色邊線的啡色長褲、與黑色彷皮長靴,腰間戴上一條精緻的啡色槍套腰帶,可置入韓索羅的經典手槍和通訊器。

【Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™ – 1/6 th scale Han Solo™ Collectible Figure】

Han Solo rose from an impoverished childhood on the mean streets of Corellia to become one of the heroes of the Rebel Alliance. As captain of the Millennium Falcon, Han and his co-pilot Chewbacca came to believe in the cause of galactic freedom, joining Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the fight against the Empire.
Today Hot Toys is very excited to officially present the brand new 1/6 th scale collectible figure of Han Solo based on the monumental Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi!
The highly-accurate Han Solo collectible figure is skillfully crafted based on his appearance in the movie. It features a stunning head sculpt with great likeness and rotatable eyeballs, finely tailored outfit with a camouflage coat, a blaster, an Endor-themed environmental figure base, and newly sculpted hands with natural details!